September 30, 2015

What the Teacher Wore Wednesday

Here we go again with another What the Teacher Wore Wednesday… This week I'm linking up with some AMAZING teachers, Caitlin at Teach Inspire Change for Trendy Teachers. Monday:  Dress - Old Navy Sandals - Old Navy Watch - Michael Kors Necklace - Christmas gift Tuesday:  Shirt - TJ Maxx Pants - Stitch Fix Necklace - Groopdealz Shoes - Target Watch - Michael Kors Wednesday: Shits,...

September 23, 2015

What the Teacher Wore Wednesday

Last week, we had a planning day on Monday and Fridays we get to wear jeans if we are part of our school's "Sunshine Committee"… so this week for me was VERY casual :) Once again, I am NOT the type of person who has a good sense of style! I have a few friends and a sister-in-law that I get most of my styling advice from. I also use Pinterest for my style inspiration. So keep all of that in mind when looking at my pictures :) Monday-- Planning day  Jeans...

September 18, 2015

Moon Phases and Sequencing

This week in reading we have been learning about sequencing and in science we have been working on our Night Sky unit, which includes the phases of the moon. How perfect.  We started off the week learning about sequencing by using Brainpop. We then read the book "Papa Can You Get the Moon For Me?". We used transitional words to sequence the story together (quick and sloppy chart!) Of course in the book, it goes through the...

September 17, 2015

Sneak a Peek with a Peach: The Land of 2nd Grade

Hey everyone! I hope you will go check out my first post on The Primary Peach blog! We did a sneak peek this month into all of our classrooms. Since I did my classroom reveal already this month, I decided to tell you guys about some of my FAVORITE spots in my classroom. I hope you enjoy!!! And here is the schedule for the rest of the month: ...

September 16, 2015

What the Teacher Wore

Last week was a four day week for us! yay!!! So I only have a few outfits to show... {I noticed that my kids always have their toys in my room just thrown on the floor after looking at these pictures!!! haha} Tuesday:  Chambray button up and white tank top - Old Navy Skirt - WALMART (what!?!?!) Necklace - JCREW watch - Michael Kors Sandals - Sam Edlemans Wednesday:  Cardigan - Target black tank - Old Navy Pants - Charlotte...

September 10, 2015

Story Elements

I always like to start the year with Story Elements in reading. Here is a little peak at what I did this year. It's no secret that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the book "Where the Wild Things Are". Well usually I wait until the end of the year to dedicate a whole week to doing activities from my Where the Wild Things Are Unit. This year I COULDN'T WAIT!!! I decided to put my favorite quote up on my wall in the hallway "Let the Wild Rumpus Start."...

September 9, 2015

What the Teacher Wore

This is my 2nd time blogging on my "teacher outfits".  I don't claim to have any fashion sense at all!!! But I can Pin from Pinterest and copy haha! So I hope you like what I have to share… I decided I would use the mirror this week… Monday: Got this dress from The Mint Julep Boutique last year… I love their stuff!!! Michael Kors watch. Tuesday: Old Navy everything here… Sam Edelman sandals, Michael Kors watch. Wednesday:  Once...

September 3, 2015

What the Teacher Wore

I'm linking up Miss Johnston over at Miss Johnston's Journey to show some of my back to school outfits. Having fun trying some new styles this year :) Here we go: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I just wore jeans and my school t-shirt, so I didn't bother to take a picture of it. I also purchased a NEW full length mirror, so I will be using that from now on to document my outfits. I am also getting ready to sign up...

September 2, 2015

Classroom Tour 2015

Excited to give an updated tour of my classroom for the 2015/2016 school year. So here we go :) From the door looking in: First stop in the room is my teacher desk. I love my little mailbox that I made for the side of my desk. The kids just know to put any money, notes, etc. in the mailbox when they come in every morning. My bulletin board keeps all of my important info., birthdays, schedules, and pictures of my LOVIES. I love the...

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