Welcome to Friday Fun Finds!
This week I decided to do MONEY ideas since I see that a LOT of people are teaching money right now.
This I found on Pinterest, but it was only the picture. I thought this could be good for STARTING to count money…
cute money song! Click on the picture to download it for free from First Grade Glitter and Giggle!
I liked this idea :)
Here is ANOTHER FREE download from Tpt!
Money games for every level.
I LOVE this game!!! We actually play the version that’s called KABOOM! But you it’s the exact same thing. The kids LOVE this!!!!
Here’s another cute little FREEBIE! Click on the picture.
Ok… bare with me… so I saw this and immediately thought “this would be so much fun to do with Caycen when he gets older”… but then when I was thinking about money activities, I thought this could be a fun game to put a bunch of coins in and have the students search for the different coins they see, write them down, add them up, or even make a graph to see which one they found the most of. Just an idea…
Really LIKE this!!!
And don’t forget about my fun little Money Unit on Tpt :)
I hope you enjoyed today’s FUN FINDS!!! Any MONEY fun finds for us???
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
That coin caterpillar is great!
Going Nutty!