July 23, 2015

Giveaway Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who entered to win in the Giveaway for Gracie June's birthday and thank you to those who shopped in my store during the 2 hour sale as well. I used random.org to pick two winners for the teacher boxes. The two lucky winners below are going to have some goodies shipped to them!!!! Congrats to Gay Eskew and Ellen from Joyfully Teaching!!! I will be contacting you today to get your t-shirt size and some other info. to ship your teacher...

My Plans for Class DOJO

I'm so excited to change up my behavior management this year. I have seen lots of great ideas about using Class Dojo. I've always used tickets in the past, so this will be a pretty big change for me. Let me tell you how I plan to use Class DOJO in my room… First of all I'm going to be using Class DOJO to give and take away points based on positive and negative behaviors. I will keep the screen up on my board during the day and I will bring a clipboard...

July 18, 2015

Happy Birthday Sale and GIVEAWAY!

On July 22nd my 2nd child, Gracie June, will turn TWO!!!!!! I am going to celebrate her birthday by doing a HUGE sale in my TPT store and by doing a little giveaway at the same time.    On July 22nd at 2:00, everything in my TPT store will go on sale for $2.22!!!!! YES EVERYTHING!!!! {except items that are already priced below that} The sale will only last for 2 hours. So go ahead and make your shopping lists now, so that when the...

July 13, 2015

Summer Bucket List

Since we are on vacation for ONLY 3 more weeks, I decided I would post my summer bucket list. I have checked off a lot of stuff so far this summer, but I ONLY HAVE 3 WEEKS to finish the rest!!!!! I hope we can get it done! Here is my Summer Bucket List: Here are some fun pictures from our Summer Bucket List: Pool Water Park Father's Day Craft!  Tanger Outlets Playground: Boat: Indoor Playground: Pop and Nanny...

July 10, 2015

Five For Friday Linky Party

I'm linking up today with Kasey from Doddle Bugs Teaching for my first "Five for Friday".  So here we go :) This week week I started a new devotional called "Living In Jesus" and it's really neat so far. Throughout the book you can collect little make-believe trinkets to remind you of what you learned about for the week. This week was mainly about what your life should look like when you become...

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