December 14, 2012

12 in 12 Linky

I know it's not 12/12/12 anymore, but I still wanted to do this linky party... SO I'm linking up with the ladies at "Miss Kindergarten" and "A Teeny Tiny Teacher' for the 12 in 12 linky party. Here are 12 of my favorite things! (12) Favorite movie you watched The HUNGER GAMES had to be my FAVORITE movie of the year and right after that would have to be Breaking Dawn Part 2 (11) Favorite TV series I am STILL in love with...

December 13, 2012

LMN Tree: Wrap Up the Year Sale Linky!

LMN Tree: Wrap Up the Year Sale Linky!  Everything is 20 percent off today through the 15th! Go stock up :) ...

December 11, 2012


Have you all heard of SCOOTPAD? It is AMAZING!!!! I was just introduced to this WONDERFUL website and my students absolutely LOVE it! If you haven't heard of it, I'll tell you a little about it. First of all it's a website where students can practice every single standard in math and reading on the computer. They can practice at school and at home. And the BEST part is that the website is ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!! There is even an app for it...

December 10, 2012

Antonyms and SCOOT FREEBIE

 Last week my students were learning about Antonyms. We decided that after talking about antonyms for a few days, to do something with a little winter theme, so we made "Antonym Mittens", because you have a LEFT and a RIGHT. The kids had so much fun decorating their mittens after writing their antonyms. They were even asking if there was a way for me to let them wear them!!! haha! I also wanted to share my SCOOT FREEBIE...

December 7, 2012

Winner and Moon Craters FREEBIE

First of all, THANK YOU TO ALL THAT ENTERED THE GIVEAWAY! The winner of EVERY SINGLE ITEM in my Tpt store is... Comment number 5, Laura {who has a SUPER CUTE blog by the way}!!! Laura, I will contact you :) It really means a lot to me that you all entered this giveaway! I am so excited that I have reached 100 followers! Now I want to share a little Moon crater experiement that we did a few weeks ago. We've been talking about the...

December 4, 2012

Wild Thing Classroom Set and a GIVEAWAY!

I have gotten several requests for a "Where the Wild Things Are" Classroom Themed Set. WELL FOLKS... I FINALLY finished it!!!! You can find it in my Tpt Store here! So if you're looking for a CUTE theme that your "Wild Things" will LOVE, this is it!!!! If you have any suggestions or want any personalized things added, please just email me at and I would LOVE to help you out!!! Ok... now to the GIVEAWAY!!! Well,...

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