April 27, 2012

Friday Fun Finds

Sorry this is so late on Friday, but this week has been SUPER BUSY!!! Tuesday - PTA meeting and small group for church Wednesday - well, really nothing, but I did have to go to the grocery store and cook dinner and chase around my 10 month old, so I was exhausted by the time I put him to bed at 8:30 Thursday - Dinner with some new friends in Statesboro (which is about an 45 minutes from where we live) and we didn't get home until 11:00 last...

April 22, 2012

Fairy Tale Freebie and Wild Things Unit!

Hey everyone! Well, my computer has been acting CRAZY, which is why I'm just now posting again and why we didn't have any "Fun Finds" this past Friday. SOOOO SORRY!!! But I do have a Fairy Tale Freebie for you! Click on the link below to download it for FREE at my Tpt store :)  It's winding down to the end of the school year and we only have 7 weeks left!!!! YAY! In our Reading Series we only have 3 weeks left, so the last 4 weeks of school...

April 16, 2012


Hey everyone! I know I’ve been MIA and it’s because I was on Spring Break last week!!! It went by WAY.TOO.FAST!!!!! Today was my first day back at work and Baby C decided he wanted to wake up at 4:30 this morning… YUCK!!!! So I had to have a big one of these: Well… I’m back and counting down the last 38 DAYS!!!! But it sounds better to say 8 WEEKS :) Love y’all, ...

April 6, 2012

Friday Fun Finds

This weeks Fun Finds focus on FAIRY TALES! We just finished up our Fairy Tale unit and I wanted to give you all of the fun finds I can to help you have a Fairy Tale of a Fairy Tale unit ;) Here are some great ideas that I’ve found: Fairy Tale Castle book report… I LOVE this! cute little fairy tale anchor chart not sure where this came from, but I thought this would be a great way for students to get interactive with the story map of any...

April 5, 2012

Fairy Tale Unit

So here is my post on our Fairy Tale Unit: I have been waiting to post about this, because this is probably the most fun unit we’ve done all year and the kids have enjoyed ever single minute of it. We started off our unit with Abby’s Wizard of Oz activities, which is AWESOME!!!!I can’t really go into detail about the unit because it’s Abby’s stuff, but let me just say, my kids had SOOO MUCH FUN with this stuff! Abby is definitely a genius! We...

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