December 31, 2011

How I Spent My Vacation

Linking up with: to tell about how I spent my Vacation! I actually just pulled this post from my other blog "Team Darley", because it's all about our Christmas :) We started out Christmas a week early this year! The weekend before Christmas we drove to Macon to my Mom's work because we heard Santa would be there to take some pictures.  Although, we'd already had Caycen's pictures taken with Santa at Bass Pro, we thought we would take advantage...

December 30, 2011

New Year's Unit COME AND GET IT!

Wow, it's almost 2012!!! I'm super excited about what this next year has in store for me.I'm so excited that I'm GIVING AWAY my New Year's Unit to EVERYONE who...  becomes a follower on my blog AND does one of the following: 1. Posts about this Giveaway on their blog or facebook (leave link please)2. Pins this giveaway on Pinterest3. becomes a follower of my store on Teachers Pay Teachers Please leave me a comment telling me that you are...

December 29, 2011

Giveaway Winner

Hey Everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas Break so far! The winner of the New Year's Unit Giveaway is:Congratulations Mrs. S! I really hope that you enjoy this unit!!! Please give me any feedback you have! Thank you to all that entered the contest! I will be sending you all a little something as well just for entering! :) Have a wonderful break and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! -Mrs. Dar...

December 28, 2011

11 in 11 Linky Party

I'm linking up with Teeny Tiny Teachers and Miss Kindergarten for the 11 in 11 linky Party :)  11. Favorite movie you watched Hmm... my favorite that I watched would probably have to be Bridesmaids, but honestly I haven't watched too many new movies :(  10. Favorite TV series My favorite TV series is a tie between Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives!!! I'm SO ADDICTED! 9. Favorite restaurantMy favorite restaurant is definitely Jalapenos,...

December 23, 2011

New Year's Giveaway!

 Hey Everyone! I hope you are enjoying your holidays! 2 days til Christmas :) This will be my first Christmas with Baby C! We are super excited about it.  Though we didn't get him too much, since he's only 6 months old, it will be a lot of fun!  haha, he looks SOOO chunky here! Well after Christmas is NEW YEAR'S! So I am going to be doing a giveaway for my New Year's Unit that you can find on my Tpt store and my TN store.  Go...

December 19, 2011

Christmas Christmas Christmas!

It’s OFFICIALLY Christmas Break!!! You can’t tell I’m soooo excited can you?? I get to spend 2 full weeks with my little man: Here are some fun pictures from our last week before Christmas break in my classroom.The first day was Santa Day and we read “Santa’s Stuck” then made our Santa’s Stuck stories: The funniest one was one of my little girl’s who wrote: “Santa got stuck in the chimney because he ate way too many cookies this year.  The reindeer...

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