August 19, 2015

Open House 2015

This year definitely got off to a crazy start. Let me tell you my story... So the week before it was back to work for teachers, I went to the eye doctor because I noticed my vision had been blurry... For a WHILE I noticed this, but kept putting off going to the eye doctor. So I finally went and the eye doctor told me I needed to see a retina specialist.  I went to the retina specialist on Monday and found out that my retina had detached....

August 2, 2015

Bulletin Boards Linky

This month we are linking up #together to talk about bulletin boards. Unfortunately all of my bulletin boards are empty right now, but I do have some pictures to show you and a little TUTORIAL on how to make cute and FREE bulletin board borders. To do my borders all I needed was bulletin board paper, stapler, hot glue gun (if you would rather hot glue your border on - I did on top of other borders), and scissors.  First cut your bulletin...

 photo about me _zps5a2jcevj.jpg