November 19, 2012

Almost Break Time!

It's ALMOST Thanksgiving break for us! One more day after today and we will have 5 days of MUCH NEEDED rest! I am going to be posting about a WONDERFUL CYBER MONDAY SALE that will be coming up and a HUGE giveaway from my Tpt store! Stay tuned!!!!! I am SO excited!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and safe travels! ~Amy Here I am this morning, in my comfy clothes {which I wear to work often}! ...

November 16, 2012

Let's Go RACKing!

So, I saw this last year around Christmas time and SOOO wanted to do it, but {hang head in shame} I was honestly too lazy.  I made the excuse that I didn't have enough time... BUT I DO! RACK stands for RANDOM ACT OF CHRISTMAS KINDESS and our famiy has decided this is going to be a little Christmas tradition we are starting this year. We made a whole list of things that we are going to do to show Random Acts of Kindess this season....

November 6, 2012

50th Day of School

Yesterday was our 50th day of school!!! Thanks to Cara Carroll's AWESOME 50th Day Unit, we had a BLAST! We came dressed in our 50s attire and we made paper poodle skirts for the girls that didn't have one. (I cut the poodles out on my cricut).  They were so stinkin' cute! We watched a short video clip from United Streaming on the 50s and read the story "Long Ago and Today" to compare and contrast the 50s and today.  We...

November 2, 2012

Fall Festival

We had our Fall Festival last week since we aren't allowed to have Halloween parties at our school.  We had a lot of fun! We made tiedyed t-shirts and make them into jack-o-lanterns.  The kids got to play tons of different games and get prizes and candy as well. Cake walk: Face Painting Estimation Station Place Value Duck Pond Candy Corn Pick Up Can Toss Fishing for Prizes Bean Bag Toss Cookie...

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