January 31, 2012

Valentine's Day Unit and a FREEBIE!

I know I've been MIA the last week, but it has been SUPER busy for me.  I'm going to take a minute to show off my sweet baby boy... he is 7 1/2 months old and just started crawling: Isn't he just the cutest?? :) I know, I know! Anywho... I've posted my Valentine's Day Unit on Tpt and Teacher's Notebook if you want to go check it out.  And of course, you know me, I'm going to give it away 1 + 4 (in honor of V day) lucky winners......

January 20, 2012

Friday Fun Finds - 100th day!

I have been looking around for some fun activities for the 100th day of school and here are some of my FUN FINDS: 100th day glyph!  how will you look? 100 gumballs 100th day shirts! so cute! 100th day balloon release! Love this idea! My school will not approve it though :( Apparently they think we would have tons of environmentalists writing letters to the school. These were some of my favorite activities that I found for the 100th day!...

January 18, 2012

100th Day Giveaway Winner

First off, THANK YOU, to all of you who entered my giveaway! You are all so so WONDERFUL! CONGRATS TO...Thank you again to all of you and for following my blog! I hope to have a new freebie for you guys next week. GOD BLESS,Amy Dar...

January 15, 2012

100th Day of School Activities GIVEAWAY and FREEBIE!

Hey Everyone! I hope you all have had a great week! I'm trying to get this post in before I get off to church.  I have done my 100th day of school activity set. I know the 100th day of school is getting pretty close for a lot of you, so I wanted to go ahead and share it.  I will be doing a giveaway starting today for this set! Since the number 100 has three digits, I am giving this set away to THREE people! There are 4 chances to win and...

January 7, 2012

Awards and a FREEBIE!

Wow, did I really survive the week back after Christmas Break?? I DID!!!! I also got some VERY sweet comments the last couple of days and some awards too!!! The first award I received this week was the Versatile Blogger Awardfrom Amber at "Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher" and from Sara at "Smiling in Second Grade"from Jamie at "2nd Grade Stuff"and from Amy at for the Versatile blogger award you must do a few things1. Thank the...

January 3, 2012

Thank you!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great day. I actually went back to work today, which most of us teachers did. Luckily for me, it was a teacher planning day so I got some stuff done in the classroom before the kiddos come back tomorrow. I just wanted to say thank you to all of my followers! I really hope that you enjoy the New Year's Unit that I sent you!If you did not leave your email, I have tried to contact you on your blog to let you know that I didn't recieve your email address. If you just leave me a comment or email me at amydarley@gmail.com...

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