January 7, 2013


Hey swee blogger friends! My little boy, Caycen, wanted to make an announcment:  We are super excited!!! The due date is August 5th :) Hope everyone had a wonderful break and that it wasn't too rough getting back in the swing of things. ~A...

January 3, 2013

New Year's Resolution Linky

I am linking up with the one and only Amy Lemons to tell some of my NEW YEAR'S resolutions :)  so here is my list: 1. Exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week. I think I'm going to start YOGA! 2. Put together AT LEAST one playdate a month for my little man to play with all his friends {and of course for us mommies to get some chat in too}  {this was when my baby was still a baby!!! He's such a big boy now!}  3. Work more on...

 photo about me _zps5a2jcevj.jpg