October 1, 2013

2nd Grade GPS for science and ss

To all my fellow 2nd grade Georgia teachers, I have created posters for the GPS for science and social studies as well as essential questions to go with each unit. You can find them over at my tpt store. I hope these can be useful to you! My good friend, Amanda Woods, also has some great resources over in her tpt store to go with our units, so you should check those out too! Hope everyone is having a great week! It's definitely...

August 29, 2013

Update (Can You Believe It??)

Hey everyone!!!! I know, I know, I've fallen off the face of the earth with this little blog!!! But I really do have a good excuse... I was pregnant and under a lot of stress trying to get through work, plan for a baby, and chase my toddler around all at the same time. So now that I'm BACK, let me introduce to you our sweet little bless: GRACIE JUNE DARLEY born July 22, 2013 weighed 6lbs 11oz 19 inches long Now we have a sweet little...

February 14, 2013

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Mini-Unit!

Ok, I've been MIA! I know!!! But my life is kind of crazy right now! I have been trying to get this unit done for a while and it's finally done to share with you!!! :) I can't wait to use it with my own kiddos. I have created a mini-unit {a week long} for the book "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" by Judi Barrett. I absolutely LOVE this book! There are TONS of activities in this unit for reading and ELA skills, as well as some math centers, reading...

January 7, 2013


Hey swee blogger friends! My little boy, Caycen, wanted to make an announcment:  We are super excited!!! The due date is August 5th :) Hope everyone had a wonderful break and that it wasn't too rough getting back in the swing of things. ~A...

January 3, 2013

New Year's Resolution Linky

I am linking up with the one and only Amy Lemons to tell some of my NEW YEAR'S resolutions :)  so here is my list: 1. Exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week. I think I'm going to start YOGA! 2. Put together AT LEAST one playdate a month for my little man to play with all his friends {and of course for us mommies to get some chat in too}  {this was when my baby was still a baby!!! He's such a big boy now!}  3. Work more on...

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