February 23, 2016

Using Touch Dots to Count Money

Have you ever had a student that just STRUGGLED with counting money and you couldn't figure out what to do in order to help them? Well, I have this child EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR. and I find that using Touch Dots to count money has helped my students every time (maybe I'm just lucky???). I truly believe in touch dots for counting money and for learning to add. In my money unit, I have posters for using touch dots and a few practice sheets to get students...

February 22, 2016

The Pencil Grip Review and GIVEAWAY!!!

This month, I decided to try out these amazing Pencil Grips to see if they would help my students correct their grips and improve their handwriting. I knew right away which students I wanted to test these on. Here is a picture of one of my student's grips before using the pencil grip and with the pencil grip. Doesn't it look so much more comfortable with the grip??? Before using the grip. While using the grip. What I love most about...

February 16, 2016

Groundhog Day Snack

This February, my class is using my February Yummy Snacks pack to make fun snacks while sequencing our recipes. It has been a lot of fun so far! We started out by making our little Groundhog Day snack and it was so much fun! It's definitely one of the easiest (not to mention the cutest) snacks I've ever made with my class.  Check out the video below (I made it with my kiddos at home too) for making your Groundhog Day snack. You...

February 4, 2016

Sweet Treats at Primary Peach

Head over to The Primary Peach blog to download some funny goodies! Today I shared my February Yummy Snacks packet for FREE! There are LOTS of other fun freebies posted and there will be LOTS more to come all month long!!! I hope you enjoy!...

February 1, 2016

5 Regions of GA

Every year, 2nd grade teachers in GA have to teach the 5 regions of GA. We do lots of fun activities while learning about the 5 regions. The first thing I teach, is the 5 Regions Song that my class made up years ago. This helps them to remember the names of the 5 regions and their locations. Use the video below to teach your students the song if you like. After teaching the song, we then start to dig a little deeper into each region. We...

January 16, 2016

Minute To Win It Reward Party

Earlier in the year I showed you my "Addition Facts Hall of Fame" and "Subtraction Facts Hall of Fame". By middle of the year of 2nd grade, I expect my students to master their addition facts (20 facts correct in 1 minute). For those that have mastered their facts, we do a special party. I decided to do the party during recess this year because I didn't want my other students to feel like they were being punished for not mastering their facts...

January 2, 2016

Matter Experiments

We had fun with our matter experiments! First we made ice cream using rock salt, sugar, vanilla flavoring, and ice! So fun!  Then we made butter using heavy whipping cream and shaking it like crazy! Last, we took a mixture of snacks and SEPARATED them to show that the mixture could be completely separated.  Science is probably my kids' most favorite subject!!! They absolutely LOVE ...

December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!! ...

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